Friday, July 18, 2008

Thank You All for Praying on Thursday!

We wanted to thank everyone for their prayers on Thursday. We have not heard any positive news yet for our case but we did hear that there were two birth mother interviews this week so that is hopeful for us for the future. Wayne and I both believe in prayer and know that sometimes an answered prayer is not always the answer we are looking for or in the time we are lookng for. We are positive that God will answer the prayers so we are now just waiting to see his mighty work unfold. We will continue to pray and ask that you all do the same. We know that someday (we hope soon) we will be able to post some positive progress in our case.

We received a bulk update this weekend that let us know four cases moved forward this past week but unfortunately our case did not move forward. It gives us hope to know that cases are being moved and released and babies are coming home. God knows our hearts desire is to have Madison home as soon as possible but for whatever reason his timing is not the same as ours. We are going to do our best and wait this time out in a positive manner so please pray for us as well as our case.

As far as Madison, I received an email from the foster family, in very broken English, that let us know that Madison is doing well.

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