Wayne went back to work today so it was my first full day with Jacob alone and I am proud to say that we both survived.
I think we have already created an issue by spoiling him at such a young age. He loves to be held and rocked which makes it hard when he wakes up and won't go back to sleep without being picked up. But in our defense how can you not want to hold someone as cute as he is and cuddle him when he is this young.
Jacob enjoying some time in his rocking chair
We are still waiting on news about Madison. We know that the Guatemalan President has ordered PGN to audit all current cases and that this audit involves another interview with the birthmother. We are not sure what else this audit involves but know that the entire process can take some time before PGN will start processing cases again. Please keep our case in your prayers and pray that the audit goes well. Rumor has it that some of the officials want to try to guilt the birthmothers into keeping their children. We do not now if this is true or not but would ask that you all pray for the best outcome for our case and that no "dirty" work is done. I truly believe that God has Madison planned for our family and that our birthmother made the very difficult decision to give her a better life.
We are praying that one day very soon we will be able to post that we are officially a family of four.
You're not spoiling Jacob, you're reassuring him that you are there for him. This is all new to him just as it is to you. I don't think you can spoil a newborn, but a 6 month old could be a different story... Glad you made it through you're first day together. It will get better in time as you adjust more to the new routine. Hang in there and sleep when he sleeps if you can!! Jennifer
This is great info to know.
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