Thursday, February 28, 2008

Still waiting to be re-submitted into PGN...

I don't know what else to say but that we are at a loss for words about us not being back in PGN by now. We read others blogs and see updates where they were re-submitted back in a few weeks ago and their cases are moving along smoothly. We don't understand what the hold up with our case is and are trying our best to remain positive. We know that everything is out of our control and that in the right time our case will move forward but we are having a hard time understanding why that "right time" has not come yet. This whole process has taken months longer than we ever thought and each delay just adds a little bit more worry to us.
We are praying that we hear some good news any day now and are looking forward to being able to shout out that we are back in PGN. In the meantime we are getting excited about being able to go spend some time with Madison for her birthday.


Mom and Gregory said...

Hang in there. Only God knows best and He knows your wants but also knows your needs. One day yall will look back on this as a leg in a long journey in your family's life. The wait will make the rest of your life together that much more special.

The Sumners said...

It's okay to whine and stomp your feet sometimes, too. :) Justin used to describe every delay we had in Claire's adoption as "telling an 6 year old that Christmas has been postponed." To have to wait for something you want SO BADLY is hard, and you guys are doing a great job.

Stephanie said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers. Anticipating good news each day with your case. Congratulations on baby #2!

Hang in there...