Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One year ago today...

Wayne and I made our first trip to Guatemala exactly one year ago today. It was one year ago that we first met Madison in person and our love for her grew more than we could ever have imagined. We were on cloud nine that day. We had found out about Jacob a few weeks earlier (of course we didn't know Jacob would be Jacob at that time) and were meeting our daughter in person for the first time. Reality was setting in that we would have a family of four some day soon. The first few days our our visit were a little hard because she didn't know who we were but I still cherish those days as such a precious time. I remember the first time I told Madison that I was her Mommy and that I loved her. I was crying tears of Joy from finally getting to hold my daughter and now I am crying tears of sadness that it has been a year and we still don't have her home. I will always cherish this day as the first day that I ever held her in my arms. Wayne and I had such a wonderful time getting to know her during that week and left Guatemala being told that they would see us in December when we came to bring her home. We never would have even thought that a year later we would be waiting to bring her home. We don't understand why our case has taken so long but we do know that part of our hearts are in Guatemala with the most precious little girl you will ever meet. We are so blessed to have Jacob and I can't imagine not having him in my life but I need Madison to come home so that my heart will stop feeling broken.
Please pray for Wayne and I because this is one of the hardest things we have ever gone through.

1 comment:

Lakemommy said...

I have been praying for your family daily since we met in the airport on your way home from that trip. Just to let you know that I still check your blog daily and lift you up in prayer -- I am praying Madison home!

She is growing up so much and just gets more beautiful with each picture you share (and so does Jacob, he is a darling little boy).

Blessings, Carla