Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Still Waiting!

Well I have been told that people want an update but I don't really have anything to update. Today I mailed the last bit of paperwork we had to get together and now we are waiting on our paperwork back from the government. In the mean time I am working on getting things ready for her at home. I am preparing myself for a long waiting period but trusting in God that the time will go by fairly easy. I know that in his time we will go and bring Madison home and until then we are supposed to be patient. I am grateful for the pictures we have of her so that at least I can keep her face in my mind. I wonder what her personality is like and can't wait until I can see it develop through the years.
Wayne and I ask that you keep us in your prayers and that the adoption process will continue to go as smoothly as it has so far. We are so thankful to God that things have gone so smooth and fast.

If you haven't already, take a look at her pictures below. Isn't she adorable!

1 comment:

Mom and Gregory said...

Buela and Papa Greg are anxious too. We can hardly wait to start spoiling her.